Our Work

United Way advances the common good by focusing on education, income and health - the building blocks to a good life. 

A quality education that leads to a stable job, enough income to support a family and good life - these are our goals for the residents of Muskegon, Oceana and Newaygo counties. 

Our goal is to create long-lasting changes that prevent problems from happening in the first place. We invite you to part part of the change. Together, united, we can inspire hope and create opportunities for a better tomorrow. That's what it means to LIVE UNITED. 


Each year, community volunteers give of their time to review and assess community programs and agencies which contribute to our mutual goals. 

Below are listed our partners and their awards from community volunteers.

Shopping Cart: Give $25.55 to Fundraiser of The Future

Shopping Cart: Give $16.66 to Earth Shine Line 1 Federation

Shopping Cart: Give $25.55 To Boy Scouts



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Donate to Children Service for $42.17.

Donate to Fundraise of Future for $15.25


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