Teen Substance Abuse Prevention Program for test 207643

Result: (1-1 of 1)

Opportunity:Teen Group Facilitator

Date: -

Agency:Teen Substance Abuse Prevention Program for test 207643

Teens Using Drugs" is a free, ongoing, 2 part workshop series designed to help participants learn how to understand, identify and address adolescent alcohol/other drug problems (please see the agency listing for details/description).

Volunteer help is greatly appreciated at the workshops for setting up tables, chairs, audio-visual equipment, materials, etc.; providing handouts as people enter, and helping to pack up materials after the workshops. In addition to the volunteer opportunity, it is a good learning opportunity for students interested in fields where they may work with teens and families, e.g health care providers, social services, youth services, education, and other areas, or for anyone interested in this topic for any reason.

It is not necessary to make an ongoing commitment - help is welcome for individual sessions! Documentation of community service hours for school, court, or other purposes can be provided.