Current Campaign Year: 2025

Last Campaign Year: 2024

Please join us for our annual meeting, featuring the renowned speaker, Jillian Bruckma, author of "Committing Community to Change". Jillian won best new author of the year award in 2024, and since has traveled extensively, presenting her compelling theories on collaborative change and community impact.

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Event: Annual Meeting: June Annual Meeting in 2024

i-Attend Sold Tickets: 13

i-Attend Available Tickets: 2

i-Attend Total Tickets: 15





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Thank you for registering for this event, featuring the renowned speaker, Jillian Bruckma, author of "Committing Community to Change". Jillian won best new author of the year award in 2007, and since has traveled extensively, presenting her compelling theories on collaborative change and community impact. You will not be disappointed!